
Jiang Zemin oversaw a wave of economic change

Obituary | An unlikely strongman

Jiang Zemin oversaw a wave of economic change, but not much political reform

China's party leader from 1989 to 2002 died on November 30th, aged 96

LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES: Chinese President Jiang Zemin sings a selection from "Beijing Opera" during a dinner hosted by the Chinese community of Los Angeles 02 November at a Los Angeles hotel. Jiang concluded a eight-day visit to the US with meetings with business and political leaders in Los Angeles. AFP PHOTO Hector MATA (Photo credit should read HECTOR MATA/AFP via Getty Images)
Nov 30th 2022

Talking to Mike Wallace on "60 Minutes" in 2000, wagging his finger—and with his ever-mobile face fixed, briefly, in a stare—Jiang Zemin quoted from the Gettysburg address. He had committed it to memory as a student activist, before the Communist Party came to power in 1949. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth," he said. His English was not great, but it brimmed with the confidence of a man who was delivering "for the people" all right: material progress on a scale and at a speed that history had not seen before. And it had started on his watch.

His own rise had been remarkable, too. In 1949 he was just an engineer in a food factory in Shanghai that had once produced one of China's most popular brands of ice-cream, "Beautiful Woman". (Appropriate, that, for a man who seldom missed a chance to eye up a pretty girl.) Had his skills not caught the attention of a visiting senior official that year, he might have stayed there. Instead he was groomed for leadership, at first in state-owned firms and then in politics. He seemed destined to be one of the "flower-vases"—all decoration, no action, just a low-key technocrat.

木叶归来|The Return of Mooyea




因爱生忧, 因爱生怖 若离于爱者 无忧亦无怖 -------------------- -----------------


  1. 偶小时侯吃饭不老实,一老农为了教育我,对我说:六零年苦呀,没饭吃,抠出来的鼻屎从来不扔的.   2.有个富豪找佣人,面试的题目是上厕所,前几个上完后都没有洗手就出来了,富豪因此把他们打发走了,只有一个洗了手,于是富豪留下了他.可是有一天,富豪却发现他没有洗手就出来了,富豪问他是为什么? 佣人答到:"偶今天带了手纸..."   3.一个男子看见一家商店大减价,便走了进去."您买些什么?""我想买狗食.""我们有规定,您必须证明您有狗."   "哪儿有这样的规定?""减价商品就是这样."男子与售货员磨了半天,售货员还是不同意卖给他.没有办法,男子只好回家把狗带来,才买到了狗食.过了几天,男子又去这家商店买猫食."给我两盒猫食.""我们有规定,您必须证明您有猫."还是那个售货员,男子又与她磨蹭了半天,结果还是不得不回家把猫带来才买到了猫食.又过了几天,男子抱着挖有一个洞的大纸箱来到那家商店,找到那个售货员."您买些什么?""你把手伸进去就知道."售货员把手伸了进去:"是什么呀,粘乎乎的.""我想买两卷儿手纸."   4.有个人去带著朋友去探望他的外婆.当他和外婆说话时,他的朋友开始吃著咖啡桌上放的花生,把花生都吃完了.当他们离开时,他的朋友对外婆说:「谢谢您的花生」外婆回应说「喔!嗯!唉!自从我牙齿掉光后,我就只能吸掉它们外层的巧克力而已.老了,咳...   5.有人很喜欢"麻辣粉丝煲"这道菜.有一次,他上饭馆,又点了这道菜.但侍者告诉他,这道菜已经卖完了."真的卖完了吗?"他很失望地问."先生,真的卖完了.你瞧,最后一份卖给那桌的先生了."侍者回答道.那人顺着侍者的指点,看见有个很体面的绅士坐在邻座.绅士的饭菜已经吃得差不多了,但那份"麻辣粉丝煲"居然还是满满的.那人觉得绅士很浪费美味,所以他走到绅士旁边,指着那份"麻辣粉丝煲",很有礼貌地问:"先生,您这还要吗?"绅士很有风度地摇摇头.于是那人立刻坐下,拿...


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